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Ann. Tabac, 1997, Sect. 2-29, p. 61-72., ISSN.0399-0354

Potential effects of sahelian nematophagous fungi against Meloidogyne mayaguensis on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. var. Paraguay x Claro)

ORSTOM, Lab. de Nématologie, Dakar, Sénégal.
Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum L. var Paraguay x Claro is susceptible to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne mayaguensis , which is widesprayed in Senegal. Most of the strains of the nematophagous fungi ( Arthrobotrys oligospora , A. conoides , Arthrobotrys sp., Dactylaria sahelensis , Dactylaria sp. and Monacrosporium bembicodes ) were tested for their trapping ability against M. mayaguensis . This study showed that most of the Arthrobotrys strains and one Dactylaria strain decrease the development of the populations of M. mayaguensis. The growth of the tobacco plants was consequently improved, but certain fungi have proper phytostimulant effects by acting on the soil structure through commensalism mechanisms with the plant roots.