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TSRC, Tob. Sci. Res. Conf., 2017, 71, abstr. 003 (Symposium)

Factors affecting media coverage of tobacco research news

Cheryl K. Olson ScD, LLC, San Carlos, CA, USA

Scientific publications with perceived relevance to public health or safety are often picked up by the popular press. The accuracy of such coverage by electronic and print media varies substantially. Reviewing examples of coverage of recent scientific publications on health effects of tobacco, nicotine or e-cigarettes reveals patterns in the quality and nature of press coverage, as well as its apparent motivation. This presentation focuses on the process by which journalists decide whether to cover a health-related news story; common points of confusion that affect quality of coverage (e.g., correlation vs. causation, or statistical vs. real-world significance); and ways that researchers might act to improve the likelihood and quality of media coverage of research.