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Tob. Sci., 1996, 40-06, p. 44-47, ISSN. 0082-4523

Effects of napropamide and pendimethalin on connecticut tobacco, weed control, and fall-seed rye (Secale cereale)

Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Valley Laboratory, Windsor, CT, USA

The effects of napropamide and pendimethalin herbicides on weed control, broadleaf tobacco tolerance, and fall establishment of rye were investigated in two field experiments over two years in Connecticut. Napropamide (at rates of 1.7 or 2.2 kg a.i./ha), pendimethalin (at rates of 1.1 or 1.7 kg a.i./ha) or both (1.1 and 0.8 kg a.i./ha, respectively) resulted in good weed control compared to untreated plots, with no detriment to the tobacco crop. Fresh- and cured-leaf yields were not affected by herbicide treatment. Rye cover crop vigor was initially reduced, but recovered. There were no differences between the herbicides for weed control, crop vigor, or effect on a rye cover crop following tobacco.