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2023 Collaborative Study of CORESTA Monitor 9 (CM9) and the Evaluation of a Potential Successor, CORESTA Monitor 10 (CM10) for the Determination of Test Piece Weight, TPM, Water, Nicotine, NFDPM, Carbon Monoxide and Puff Count obtained in Mainstream Smoke under ISO 3308 and ISO 20778, respective Health Canada T-115 Conditions

SA Technical Report

March 2024 Ref. SA-340-CTR

The CORESTA Smoke Analysis Sub-Group has been given the responsibility to organize the annual testing of the ISO 16055 conform CORESTA Monitor test pieces to verify its continued suitability as a monitor. The current monitor is CORESTA Monitor 9 (CM9) and the intent is to evaluate the potential successor, CORESTA Monitor 10 (CM10) as new monitor.

The 2023 study was designed:

  • to measure the smoke yields of total particulate matter (TPM), nicotine-free dry particulate matter (NFDPM), nicotine, carbon monoxide (CO), and puff count for CM9 and CM10 in the mainstream smoke obtained under ISO 3308 and ISO 20778 smoking regimes, following the related ISO Standards.  Since no ISO Standard for the determination of NFDPM under ISO 20778 conditions is applicable, the yields were determined in accordance to Health Canada T-115.
  • to determine intra- and inter-laboratory variability for the measured smoke yields for CM9 and CM10 under the different smoking regimes.
  • to evaluate CM10 as potential new monitor test piece if supported by the results mentioned above.

The performance of the CM9 monitor in this testing was in line with its historical performance and CM9 continues to be a suitable smoke analysis monitor. CM10 generally has lower yield and higher puff count than CM9 but has generally similar variability.  Since variability is the key factor in suitability as a monitor, CM10 performs adequately to serve as a monitor test piece.


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Report - 2022 Collaborative Study of CORESTA Monitor 9 (CM9) for the Determination of Test Piece Weight, TPM, Water, Nicotine, NFDPM, Carbon Monoxide and Puff Count Obtained under Mainstream ‘Non-Intense’ and ‘Intense’ Smoking Regimes (February 2023)

Report - 2021 Collaborative Study of CORESTA Monitor 9 (CM9) for the Determination of Test Piece Weight, TPM, Water, Nicotine, NFDPM, Carbon Monoxide and Puff Count Obtained under Mainstream ‘Non-Intense’ and ‘Intense’ Smoking Regimes (March 2022)

Report - 2020 Collaborative Study of CORESTA Monitor 9 (CM9) for the Determination of Test Piece Weight, TPM, Water, Nicotine, NFDPM, Carbon Monoxide and Puff Count Obtained under Mainstream ‘Non-Intense’ and ‘Intense’ Smoking Regimes (August 2021)

Report - 2019 Collaborative Study of CORESTA Monitor 9 (CM9) for the Determination of Test Piece Weight, TPM, Water, Nicotine, NFDPM, Carbon Monoxide and Puff Count Obtained under Mainstream ‘ISO’ and ‘Intense’ Smoking Regimes (August 2020)

Report - 2018 Collaborative Study of CORESTA Monitor 8 (CM8) and 9 (CM9) for the Determination of Test Piece Weight, TPM, Water, Nicotine, NFDPM, Carbon Monoxide and Puff Count Obtained under Mainstream ‘ISO’ and ‘Intense’ Smoking Regimes (February 2019)

Report - 2017 Collaborative Study of CORESTA Monitor 8 (CM8) for the Determination of Test Piece Weight, TPM, Water, Nicotine, NFDPM, Carbon Monoxide and Puff Count Obtained under Mainstream ‘ISO’ and ‘Intense’ Smoking Regimes (November 2017)

Guide 8 - CORESTA Monitor Test Piece Production and Evaluation Requirements (December 2020)